Spinal stenosis can lead to severe leg and arm weakness, lower back pain, imbalance, and other problems. Remedy Pain Solutions uses the latest diagnostic tools to identify and treat spinal stenosis without surgeries or narcotics. Our interventional pain specialists use the Vertiflex procedure to reverse the spinal compression, restoring optimal spinal health. Please schedule an appointment at our office in Marina del Rey to discuss your spinal stenosis treatment options.

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The spine is made of a series of bones called the vertebrae — they’re responsible for the overall stability of your upper body. The nerves running between the vertebrae carry sensory signals to the brain, and these components collectively form the spinal cord. Injuries, medical conditions, and age-related wear and tear can lead to the thickening of ligaments, bone spurs, bulging or herniated discs, and other conditions that narrow the space between the vertebrae, thereby pinching or compressing the nerves. Spinal stenosis is a condition wherein the narrowing of space between the vertebrae pinches the nerves, leading to shooting pains and numbness.


  • Weakness of the legs and arms
  • Shooting pains in the back and legs
  • Numbness in the legs and buttocks
  • Problems with finding balance
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At Remedy Pain Solutions, our interventional pain specialists conduct a thorough diagnosis and investigation to identify the root cause of your spinal pains. We discuss your symptoms, review your health history, and conduct physical examinations to narrow down the root cause. If we identify signs of spinal stenosis, we also perform x-rays, MRIs, CT scans, and other advanced imaging tests to identify the extent of damage and curate the appropriate treatment plan.


The Vertiflex procedure is a minimally-invasive and clinically-proven treatment for lumbar spinal stenosis, designed to provide long-term pain relief. The Vertiflex Superion® interspinous spacer is an FDA-approved medical device that restores optimal space between the spinal vertebrae, taking pressure off the compressed spinal nerves. It essentially spreads the compressed vertebrae apart and holds them in the optimal position. This allows the nerves to exit the spine without any compression or inflammation, relieving the pain and discomfort. The entire Vertiflex procedure concludes within 30 minutes, and the number of implants depends on your specific condition.

The Vertiflex procedure is performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia. The pain specialist uses anesthesia to numb the affected spinal region and make a small 0.5-inch incision. Under fluoroscopic guidance, the interventional pain specialist inserts a small dime-sized tube (dilator) to move the surrounding tissues away. The dilator makes space for the doctor to insert the implant between the vertebrae without cutting through the surrounding tissues. Once the implant is in place, the wings are opened to spread the vertebrae, allowing them to return to the optimal position. Finally, the incision is sutured closed and covered with a band-aid.


You’ll experience a significant reduction in pain shortly after the Vertiflex procedure. You’ll be advised to rest and avoid strenuous activities for at least six weeks, but all patients go through different recovery periods. You can walk around and perform light activities soon after the treatment, and you should also resume physical therapy. The interventional pain specialists will also recommend physical therapists or exercises you can perform regularly to restore your core strength. Studies have shown that the Vertiflex procedure has a nearly perfect success rate, with most patients expressing complete satisfaction after 60 months.